It's amazing how a new curtain can change a bathroom. Next to my studio we have a half bath, it's only mine. I was a bit tired of the curtain that was up, so the other morning while enjoying a cup of hot coco, I began to think about changing it, did not have a color in mind for this curtain just so it looked a bit victorian. Ok, got dressed and off I went to the fabric store, row by row I went, knowing that when I saw it would know this is the one and that's exactly how it was. Would you believe the last row of fabric, the last bolt...there it was. I got so excited and bought what was left, which was five yds. have enough for a long valance to go over my mirror closet door adjacent to the bath and my studio, plus made another curtain to another half bath we have. Decorated it with items we already had around the house, things look different when you move them from one room to another, didn't spend any money except for the curtain fabric. Hugs, Lu