Hi Sweet Friends...
Think this month went even faster than the last one, what is going on?
My daughter Julie, that has the restaurant in Manhattan Beach, went to Italy this past spring for one month. She went with her church group, of course they visited churches in Italy, well one of those churches happens to be St. Anthony church and the priest is a good friend of her priest. He told them he was coming here about a month later, skip forward.....he did come and brought the St. Anthony relic with him, of course she wanted me to see it so she came for me. We heard mass and St. Anthony was right there in the alter. I took a pic of him, of course, and now I am sharing him.
Isn't he beautiful? In my family we are all devoted to him. I was chilled to be near him, especially when I touched him, he was so beautiful. We also received special blessings.

After church we went to her home for a snack and she wanted to show me her orchids. She has many orchids, I just took a few pictures because we had a busy schedule plus go to her restaurant to bring dinner home.

Here are a few of her orchids.

These purple ones are in her lanai.


Many are in her dining room and it looks like Hawaii there.

This one is in sea shells, it's just a baby. As you can tell she likes yellow, my grandson made the table and she bought the tablecloth and plate in Italy.

Till next time, my friends, keep romance and love in your hearts always...