Hello to all my blogging friends...I am sharing with you today some of my swans that I have collected.
I just love swans they are so graceful and just seem to glide in the water. I have collected them for a while now and most of them have come from thrift shops, since I like the older ones. Our home is old and we still have one of the original bathrooms, have not remodeled it and probably never will, we like the old tile in pink and black so, therefore, it seemed like the perfect home for our swans. Have you ever seen Swan Lake? It was composed in Russia in 1875-76. It's the story of a Princess named Odette who was turned into a swan by a sorcerer. I wish I could see it sometime.
This is my favorite swan, it is musical and came from GW.
Here is a cute one that I also like.
Theses two sweeties I bought in separate shops, the prices are amazing.
This one was only $2.00
The colors on this one are soft pink and soft gray, he just caught my eye at the Rose Bowl for only $5.00
This swan looks like it used to be a lamp, it has the openings for the cord, but I bought it at a thrift shop for $3.00
My son made this one, he used to own a ceramic business and they sold theses to florist and other businesses.
I've never seen a green swan have you? But it was a swan I just had to bring home. The other swan is porcelain.
The little swans are so sweet, can't pass them up when I find them.

Mama swan and her baby, from source.
Swans usually mate for life, just like crows, isn't that beautiful? The mama swan lays three to eight eggs at a time.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love and be loved in return"