Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beautiful Peacock

Good Morning Dear Friends, Wow it's cold here, well I feel cold temp. is 65deg. and rain is coming either tomorrow or Friday.
My daughter took her little dog Bailey to the vet yesterday and after the vet they went to the Arboretum and she took this picture of a peacock, I thought it was so beautiful just wanted to share.

Enjoy a lovely day...


  1. Hi there. You wouldn't like it over here at the moment then. It's about 45 degrees over here!! You're right, that is a beautiful photo of the peacock. Hope all is well with you.

  2. He's SO Pretty! Stay warm!

  3. Peacocks are certainly wonderful to look at.
    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Hi Lu, isn't that peacock beautiful! I'm working on a peacock ornament for my shop.
    Its so windy here the power was out for a short time this evening. Maybe we will see snowflakes tomorrow.

  5. It's even cold here in Texas......

    The Peacock is gorgeous.... my favorite color of blue!

  6. The blue color on the chest is stunning! So pretty.

  7. The peacock is beautiful. I made a good photo. Trish

  8. It's getting colder here in Oregon too. My friend in Montana has had COLD 9 degree mornings!
    The photo is lovely.

  9. Hello, Dear Lu.
    Yey, finally google allowed me to comment. Thank you very much for your sweet comment for me. Hope keep letting me (*^_^*)

    Yes, beautiful peacock♡♡♡
    Have a wonderful Fri. dear Friend.
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*

  10. What a gorgeous boy he is! I adore peacocks and have two taxidery peacocks in my living room. Vanna


Thank you so much for stopping by. I read and love all the comments. Blessings to each and every one of you.
Hugs and smiles...Lu

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