This is one of my very pretty rosaries.

A lovely gift from a friend in Ireland.

One of mom's rosaries. This Madonna lights up and looks so beautiful in the dark. I added a small button pic of my parents wedding.

She preferred to pray with this one at night because it glows in the dark.

My aunt Rita gave me this one, which of course I treasure.

Still have this one in the original box, a gift from my daughter Julie. It's stunning
and it's from Italy.She just returned from Italy and said she brought me a wooden Saint Anthony, can't wait to see it.

My husband's vintage rosary and prayer book. (He wanted me to include it)

My daughter Julie brought me this wooden rosary from Greece on one of her trips, she always brings me something from there, they go often.

This is one of my treasures. My grand daughter Kelly brought me Saint Anthony from Spain and her mother, my daughter Judy, made the rosary for me for my birthday. Garnet beads since garnet is the birth stone of January. Judy makes beautiful rosaries.

These little angels are vintage and belonged to my grand mother Rosenda.

I love angels and have many more angels not displayed today perhaps on another post. Don't you think this month of April just flew by? Much too fast for me, however, May is here and what a lovely month it is. We have Mother's Day and our wedding anniversary. One of my daughters sent me this pic of Faith from Source.

"May Love and Laughter linger long in Hearts Gathered Here"